Gain Fulfillment, Energy, 
Income & Freedom.
Read All About Maximizing Life Enjoyment, Transforming Your Expertise into Automated Income While Thriving in Health and Well-Being.


How I help purpose-driven experts, business owners and (aspiring) solopreneurs improve their work & life.
one-off coaching session

Get Clarity and Direction

90-minute deep-dive call to create your custom growth plan.

Build and Scale With Confidence

Weekly coaching to guide implementation and keep you on track.

Launch Faster, Stress-Free

Done-for-you funnels, websites and automations that save you time and generate income.


What I Can Help With

Customer Experience & Online Business Systems

  • Define and optimize your customer journey
  • Set up and integrate software tools (e.g., CRM, email, automation)
  • Build custom online solutions with WordPress
  • Community platforms (e.g., Circle, HeartBeat)

Marketing & Sales Strategies

  • Offer and sell digital products (downloads, courses)
  • Create effective sales funnels (one-click upsells, order bumps, automation)
  • Ethical, non-sleaze marketing strategies
  • Design and execute email marketing campaigns
  • Social media marketing

Brand Vision & Product Creation

  • Gain clarity on your brand vision and messaging
  • Validate and create high-impact digital products
  • Find and convert your ideal customers

Lifestyle Optimization

  • Optimize nutrition
  • Find sustainable, most effective form of movement & exercise
  • Install simple mental & physical health habits & routines
  • Balance work and health for long-term success and fulfillment

Ready to Unlock Your Potential & Transform Your Life?

to find out how I can help you


Discover how to thrive in Health & well-being as you Leverage the digital renaissance and transform your passion into automated income.

exploring human potential, moral wealth creation and finding fulfillment by working with the mind

Imagine - Practicing Mentally
Many -successful- people swear by visualization. They truly believe that if they think hard enough about something they want and envision themselves with every fibre of their bodies already having it - how it feels, looks, smells - that they will get it. And the strange thing is (or is it?) - it wor...
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Are You Taking Care Of Your Most Important Asset?
You can only perform as good as your body and mind allow for. They are your tools - your instrument. When you regard them as such, taking good care of them makes all the more sense. “A sound mind is in a sound body" "Perfecting the personal regularly leads to success as a professional - […]...
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Steal Like An Artist While Emulating Chefs
It’s hard to argue against the fact that we are constantly being influenced by all that we see in the world around us - consciously, but definitely also unconsciously. Being aware of this and on the lookout for the recyclable building blocks that make something -anything- “great,” allows you t...
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Similarity Awareness
Life is essentially a stack of experiences. How you experience and (are able to) do anything is based on previous experiences. Being extra aware of which part of a new experience or challenge might resemble something you’ve handled well or learned in the past - allows you to draw from those past e...
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Who Is Coen Modder?

Hi! I'm Coen

I’m an author, coach, web-designer, and online-business expert who specializes in customer journeys, offer creation, "Match-Make Marketing" (i.e., non-sleaze strategies), and using ethical, purpose-driven business to fuel personal development and design your ideal life—optimally balancing energy, work, and love.

Many people know me as the creator at Piano Couture - my own purpose-driven business, which I've successfully built into a six-figure passive income stream, helping millions of people play pop-piano without sheet-music.

Now I help successful creators and experts build, scale and automate their income online by doing more of what they love, increasing their impact and fulfillment—all while feeling their very best. Sounds interesting? 👇

Copyright © Coen Modder
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